Pedagogical concept of FitKizz
Our concept for crèche, kindergarten and after-school care
Language and movement are inextricably linked, because learning requires movement. For us, movement means being able to express oneself on a variety of sensorimotor, psychomotor and linguistic levels. Children can experience their skills through movement, regardless of their social and cultural background. Through movement and language, an open bridge is built to the movement of cultural diversity, and complex language learning situations are created for the children by playing together.
FitKizz's understanding of education
The Bavarian Education and Upbringing Plan (BayBEP) lists five areas of education: Aesthetics, art, music, movement, rhythm, health, mathematics, natural sciences, environment, value orientation, emotionality, social relationships, language, literacy and media. These are taken into account in everyday teaching. FitKizz places particular emphasis on the pillars of language and movement.
The daily routine at FitKizz
Daily routine in the crèche and kindergarten
Our daily routine offers structure, orientation and regularly recurring processes. In this way, we create a reliable and secure framework for the autonomous development of our children. In addition to fixed rituals and an educational focus on language and movement, there is also sufficient space for educational activities and free play throughout the day.

Daily routine in the after-school care center
After school, the children come to the after-school care center either accompanied by a teacher or independently. There they are greeted individually and then have the opportunity to talk to other children about their day at school. The teachers gain an overview of the children's special needs and current sensitivities. There is the opportunity to go into the garden or to engage in free play. The children are also regularly offered creative and household activities.